About Do Polarity

This is an idea, nothing more. I wish this existed but it is beyond my ability to create.

Why I Want This

Not often, but occasionally I have wanted to support a politician. More accurately I have wanted to help their opponent lose. I could never bring myself to actually donate.

I am not poor (not rich either) but I certainly do not have the wealth of most politicians, especially at the federal level. Giving money to people vastly wealtheir than me so they can become even more wealthy and powerful is a non-starter.

While I have a preference in the outcome of political races I don't support where my money would go. I don't want to fund robo-calls, campaign signs, TV & radio ads, flyers, etc. I don't want to see or hear them and I don't want them produced. All those signs and flyers littering the roads and mailboxes for a few months and then off to the landfill.

Campaign Signs
Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash

Making a donation to a politician gets you added to lists. Donate once and you will be bombarded with even more requests for money. Your name and personal information will be sold, and resold, and resold.

I try to avoid lists. Normal spam is bad enough, spam begging for donations is worse. Normal unsolicited calls are bad, robo-calls asking for money- worse.

Until there is a trusted place to make anonimized contributions that benefits the masses, my money is staying with me.

You can't steal this idea, it is free for the taking. Please take it, please make it. You already have one potential user.

The Challenges

The concept is fairly simple, proper execution is a challenge. I could make a prototype that functions pretty well. I can't scale this into a sustainable entity.

To be successful it requires expert level knowledge in multiple areas. Dealing with finances and peronsal information of millions of individuals leaves no margin for mistakes. Storage, backups, encryption, checks-and-balances and so many unkowns.

Political donations have many complicated legal and tax issues. It will require lawyers to make sure donors and Do Polarity are working within the law. This main purpose is to take money away from politicians so rest assured some very powerful people will be against this. It will go to court. The IRS will be watching and ready to audit.

These hurdles have to be overcome before standard market hurdles are even addressed. People have to know about it before they can use it. Advertising and marketing arms will be required. Once people know about it they will need to want to use it, requiring good content and writing. If they want to use it they have to be able to use it. The interface needs to be clean and simple from browsing, to donating all the way through receipts and tax documents.

I am not a lawyer, accountant, advertiser, security specialist, etc.

To become a reality it will require some serious start-up funds. It will require leadership willing to take on the challenge and spend years fighting and defending the vision. It will require talent and connections this humble hermit does not possess. If it becomes successful it will require transparency, focus, and integrity to remain viable.

Take & Make

I want this idea to become a reality so take this spark and let it grow. If you are serious (already have a team, funding, business plan) get in touch. This site is a fraction of what I have in my brain and on my hard drive. Most people don't want what is in my brain, and I don't blame them, but you can happily have this information. If you are truly serious, the domains, branding and assets I created are availble.

email me: llunmoc.rebunneb@ytiralopod